Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beau's First Trip

Beau and I decided that we would make his first plane trip to Kentucky to surprise Gran. I figured it would be a little easier having my mom on the way out there. He was great on the planes (a total of 4) and I am not so nervous about our trip to California in June now.
Gran was so surprise to see us (she knew my mom was coming)! It was a fantastic trip and I am very glad Beau has had the chance to meet all 4 of his great grandmas.

Beau thought it might be fun to ride in the suitcase!

Grandma and Beau at the airport (It's 5am and he's WIDE awake)

He was a little nervous at first...

Okay, it will be fun!

Mom and Beau at the Chicago Airport

Granny and Beau

Cousin Bev and Beau

Beau hanging out on my lap

Beau thought Granny was very comfy!

Uncle Jim and Beau

Aunt Nancy, Uncle Mike, and Beau

Cousin Todd and Beau

Mommy, Beau, Granny, and Grandma

We got to visit with some friends while we were there too! Katy and Beau didn't pay much attention to each other this time

Mommy, Beau, Kirsten, and Katy

Mommy and Beau on the way home!

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